BERLIN Nike Odyssey React Black Women's , Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The election software used by Germanauthorities to compile and count votes contains serious securityflaws, making it susceptible to hacking, a group of informationtechnology (IT) specialists have found.
German newspaper ZEIT asked the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) toinvestigate the election software and reported on the findings onThursday. According to CCC spokesperson Linus Neumann, the programwas so poorly encrypted that it "should have never been used."
Martin Tschirsich Nike Odyssey React Desert Sand Sail Pink Women's , a 29-year-old postgraduate IT student at theUniversity of Darmstadt who found the flaws, noted that while votesare still counted by hand, they are subsequently summarized andtransmitted electronically. "The election is not safe. It can behacked," he warned.
In his personal research Nike Epic React Flyknit Pure Platinum Black Blue Women's , he identified a 30-year-old programcalled "PC Wahl," which is described by its developer as "themost-widely used election organization program by Germanadministrations." Although the program is officially only availablefor sale to government entities as a security measure, Tschirsichsucceeded in downloading the software online.
Furthermore, the 29-year-old discovered several passwords neededto access restricted features and even its source code throughsimple internet searches. His investigation revealed thatauthorities had relied on facile encryption techniques Nike Epic React Flyknit Blue Women's , such as theuse of easy-to-guess passwords like "test."
Confronted with the prospect of hacking attempting to sabotagethe voting process, officials have insisted that Germany wasprotected by its use of hand-written ballots at the country's70,000 polling stations.
"The prevention of possibilities for manipulation of preliminaryvoting results is of the utmost priority," a spokesperson of theFederal Office for Information Security said.
A recent report by the interior ministry had predicted that"cyber attacks could attempt to manipulate election results duringtheir transmission Nike Epic React Flyknit Women's Grey White , inserting false voting outcomes or technicallypreventing the transmission of preliminary results."
The German Federal Election Commissioner (Bundeswahlleiter)responded by publicly emphasizing that the federal election was"protected from all types of manipulation attempts."
Experimenting with a previous election in the state of Hesse,Tschirsich was able to manipulate the data transmitted betweencommunes on PC Wahl, as well as information compiled with othersoftware by regional election government authorities.
He claimed that by following his steps, hackers could easilyfalsify the preliminary election results on Sept. 24 throughoutGermany.
When presented with the worrying findings by ZEIT Nike Epic React Flyknit Women's Cargo Khaki Black Green , CommunalElection Commissioner Gerhard Benneman agreed that the digitalsystem in place was "inappropriate." When pressed further on thesubject, Benneman was not convinced that the loopholes in PC Wahldid not constitute a problem. He said that all it would take wouldbe for hackers to publish false preliminary results in order to sowdoubts among German voters in the integrity of their electoralsystem. Nevertheless, he insisted that the election results couldalways be verified by recounting the original paper ballots. "Thefinal result is safe regardless," Benneman said.
PC Wahl developer Volker Berninger argued similarly [url=http://www.epicreactwomens