Home Remedies For Fibroids - Safe Natural Treatment Health Articles | September 19 Jace Sternberger Jersey , 2011 Fibroid is the name given to two different types of tumor - uterine fibroids and fibroma. Uterine fibroids grow in a woman's uterus or womb whereas fibroma may occur on nerves, ovaries and many other parts of the body.
Fibroid is the name given to 2 different types of tumor: uterine fibroids or tumors composed of smooth muscle cells and fibroma or tumors composed of fibrous connective tissue. Uterine fibroids grow in a woman's uterus or womb whereas fibroma may occur on ovaries, nerves and many other parts of the body. Also unlike, fibroma, uterine fibroid symptoms may not show up at all in a w fetime. Both the types are benign or non-cancerous. Fibroids may occur in clusters or as a single tumor. The possibility of getting fibroids increases as a woman progresses in age. Heavy fibroid growth bulges the tummy and gives the woman a pregnant look. Depending upon their location Elgton Jenkins Jersey , fibroids may be classified as follows:
1. Intramural fibroid (found in the wall of uterus) 2. Sub-serosal fibroid (found in the outside of uterus wall) 3. Sub-mucosal fibroid (found in the muscle below the inner lining of uterus) 4. Cervical fibroid (found in the wall of cervix).
The possible fibroid triggers are:
1. Estrogen hike 2. Pregnancy 3. Hormonal imbalance 4. Heredity 5. Obesity 6. Aging 7. Childlessness 8. Giving birth to baby at quite an early age 9. Bad food habit.
The symptoms of fibroids are:
1. A bulging tummy which is tight and hard to touch 2. Abnormal bowel movements 3. Sharp or dull ache in lower abdomen 4. Strong painful spasms in the area of uterus 5. Abnormal bleeding during menses 6. Back pain 7. Bleeding after menopause 8. Frequent urination or difficulty in emptying bladder 9. Frequent urinary tract infections 10. Complication in pregnancy or labor 11. Discomfort during sexual union.