The researchers, both women psychiatrists (Dr. S. D. and B.) made preliminary visits to acquaint themselves with the inn and its routine. All residents received initial written information about the proposed survey. The inn has been visited weekly to register new residents, and approach potential participants interviews. A semi-structured interview Incorpo rated social, demographic and psychiatric. self-reported data included sociodemographic Psychiatric Bulletin 618 (1997). 21. 618-621 original articles background, perceived health problems and views and preferences for housing
normative measures were diagnoses of DSM-III-R?(American Psychiatric Association, 1987) Cheap James McCann Jersey , the?Global Assessment Scale (SAP; Endicott et al?1976). and CAGE Questionnaire (Mayfield and cd,?1974). CAGE the case was carried out with a positive response. Twenty-seven direct access?Residents are gone before they can be addressed,?six refused an interview. The results are based?40 interviews were conducted over a period of 26 weeks and between 45-90?minutes. Not all women respondents were willing to answer any questions. When a response was given to a question, it was included in the?analysis.
Data were analyzed using "Diagnostic?SMI "as an independent variable; SMI was defined as a diagnosis of DSM-III-R schizophrenic?nia, major depressive disorder, schizoaffective?disorder Cheap Michael Fulmer Jersey , or other psychotic state. Depen?dent variables used to measure the effect of age were DSMA € "III-1 Raxis diagnosis Global Health?Questionnaire (GHQ; Goldberg, 1978); CAGE; GAS: length of stay of the inn ( "newcomers"?( 1 year)) and expressed?wish to settle. The data were also analyzed?Age, using the median age (45 years) as?cut-off for the same variables and dependent variables.?The information was compiled into a database,?which was used for the calculation of summary statistics.?Confidence intervals were calculated using the?British Medical Association Confidence Interval?program analysis (ICA). Means are presented?with 95% CI.?Results?Socio-d? ? mographieinformation?The average age of residents surveyed was 46?years (95% CI: 41.9 to 46.7), ranging from 19-82?years. None of the sample were in a stable?love relationship. Twenty-seven (68%) were single?and 13 (33%) divorced, separated or widowed.?Fourteen (35%) reported a significant separation?the home during childhood Cheap Jordan Zimmermann Jersey , and these five?(12%) was taken into institutional care.
Meaning?time in any partnership was broken was 10 years (range: 4 months to 40 years).?Thirteen (33%) had children. Of these, about?half remained in contact. Long-term unemployment rates were extremely high. Only one woman was currently employed, and there was an average?length of 9.7 (CI: 6.76-12.6) years since the last?employee. Five (13%) had never been employed.?physical and mental health?general health Thirty-eight (95%) of women re worn at least one current, specific health?complaint. Eleven (28%) attributed their worst?Complaint health psychological origin,?18 (45%) to a physical. Twenty-seven (68%)their health as fair (15), or poor (12).?Mental health Fourteen (35%) of the sample?diagnostic criteria for DSM-III-R met for SMI.?Ten (25%) had a disorder of substance misuse. Of?these Cheap Jose Iglesias Jersey , no cases of drug addiction were?identified; a residency requirement fulfilled?DSM-III-R benzodiazepine abuse. Six (15%) been diagnosed with alcohol (alcohol DEPEN?dence, 2; alcohol abuse, 4), but nine (23%)?reaches the case with the cage. three had?SMI coexisting and misuse of diagnostic substances.?No organic brain disorder was identified. Ten?repondents (25%) is the case of the?GHQ. GAS scores ranged from 21 to 85.
Average?59 (CI: 51.5 to 66.5).?Eighteen (45%) have a past contact with?mental health services. Ten (25%) had received?hospital care of one or more episodes. Meaning?number of episodes over the past 10 years was 2.93?(0 to 20), and their average duration was 3.71?months (range 0-14). Six (15%) reported regular?psychotropic prescriptions. These are some form?major tranquilizers (6), antidepressants (3) Cheap Willie Horton Jersey ,?and minor tranquilizers (1).
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